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Wisdom Earrings

Wisdom Earrings

85.00 ₪Price

Earrings are seen in mysticism as a conduit to knowledge. What do you feel you need to know more about in life?

The ears receive and the brain digests – these showstopping pieces contain natural energies and magnificent colors.


Stone Type & Color:


Lapis Lazuli – Sapphire/Royal/Dark Blue

Myself & Me: Truth

Myself & Others: Honesty

Myself & The Infinite: Alertness

Physical: Wellbeing

Mystical: Tribe of Issachar – the Sun & Moon representing Astronomy

Crystal Structure: Cubic

Mineral Family: Silicate

Formation: Metamorphic


Yellow Topaz - Yellow

Myself & Me: Self-worth

Myself & Others: Self-Assurance

Myself & The Infinite: Acknowledge Achievements

Physical: Digestion and Metabolism

Mystical: Tribe of Asher – Olive Tree symbolizing Wealth

Crystal Structure: Orthohombic

Mineral Family: Silicate

Formation: Igneous


Metal Color: Stainless Steel



The right side of the brain deals with our creativity and the left our logic. In mysticism, the right is represented by the sphere of Wisdom - Chachmah = This is the original conception of an idea and the color blue, and the left by Intelligence – Binah = the development of that idea and the color yellow/gold.


Our beautiful brain with its electrical impulses running rampant can always appreciate an extra jolt of energy from these stones.


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Your product may take a bit of time to get to you but it will be worth the wait!

Wherever possible we will offer reduced shipping rates using hybrid services that reduce the environmental costs.

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